Tuesday, May 8, 2007

New Beginnings?

When I moved to HK, to a certain extent, it is to escape or to get away from everything that is going on in Vancouver; however, at the same time, I envision many new beginnings and possibilities. Now, as I sit here reflecting, I am still imagining the possibilities ahead....but am I acting or moving toward them? Yes and no...I truly believe in the saying that "it is easier said than done", which I guess leads me to believe that "action speaks louder than words" eh?

I don't quite know why I've this sudden desire to start a new blog, but lately, I've been thinking more and perhaps by writing down the things travelling through my mind, they could give me perspective and when I look back, I begin to understand these are my thoughts, before they are modified or added on by other's opinions and thinking, which I value highly too.

I really need to get my sister to stop procrastinating and send me lease documents so I can begin talking to accounts about overseas companies and what not. I keep getting pissed off at her because she keep saying she's busy and really, it is a mere form of procrastination, but...maybe I am hiding behind her laziness at the same time. By going to the accounting firms in HK, I am signalling to myself it's time to move on, venture out of my safety zone yet again, and I am so scared to fail or mess things up. Being an part time English instructor right now, I am living the most relaxed life imagined, but I know I cannot be this way forever, seriously, then I am just wasting the 4 years of post-secondary education and I don't think I can be happy like this forever. It's a relaxing and comfortable 1 year transition, but, argh, I got to move my ass!

I declare that I shall stop procrastinating; in fact, I'll be meeting Doris and Stephanie for dinner this weekend to get the accountant contacts ready, and I'll start learning about offshore companies and their benefits and the possibility of doing that. Next step, I just pray my sister and the agent back home are gooooood and get the house sold, then that too, signal another beginning, sigh. I can wire the fund to HK and look into small commercial properties to purchase. When I've rental income coming in, I would consider getting a mortgage, so BEL-AIR (possibly), here I come!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

glad to see you like your new environment. Keep going...jia you!
